Monday, November 12, 2012

Aliased Filmmaker gets 1 Year for Parole Violation

Mark Bassekey Youssef was remanded to a year of incarceration and sentenced to serve four years of supervised release following his use of the alias 'Sam Bacile' in violation of the terms of his probation sentence in a bank fraud case.  Youssef used the alias while tricking actors into making a film that was overdubbed into the anti-Islamic piece infamous for its connection to the recent September 11 anniversary attacks and protests against United States diplomatic missions in the Middle East.  The probation had been conditioned on the fraudster's use of his own name to the exclusion of aliases.  The alias was likely immaterial to actors' willingness to participate in the project, however;  those who gave interviews said they would not have participated in the project if its actual post-dubbing dialog had been revealed to the actors.

Neither punishments nor charges have been brought in connection with the film's dialog or the deceptions involved in recruiting a cast.

Those that murdered Americans in Benghazi had motives other than the film.

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